blurred raining busy street

Top 10 Overall UK Council Winners From Welcome Back Funding

Find out which UK councils achieved the highest increase in footfall, dwell-time and frequency with the Welcome Bank Fund.

people exploring a high street

Assessing UK Council Performance with Welcome Back Funding

Find out which UK councils achieved the highest increase in footfall, dwell-time and frequency with the Welcome Bank Fund.

university of glasgow

How Glasgow University & UBDC Use Location Data for Smarter Transport Planning

The University of Glasgow and the Urban Big Data Centre use Huq's data to find transport and neighbourhood space patterns.

university of nottingham campus

How Nottingham University & 3DI Use Huq for Policy Formulation

How population data is used by the public sector to measure footfall across consumer, business and industrial settings.

hertsmere fields

How Hertsmere Used Evidence to Measure Covid-19 Recovery

Hertsmere initiated the implementation of a monitoring system for the first time - here's what they've been able to achieve.

hertsmere flower field

Interview with Lesley Crisp, Principal Economic Development Officer at Hertsmere

How Hertsmere Borough Council leverages Huq to provide monitoring coverage of four of its towns during the pandemic.

dacourm city center

Interview with Fraser Willcox, Economic Development Officer at Dacorum

How Dacorum Council leverages Huq insights to create and validate projects for the Welcome Back Funding.

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Optimise sales forecasting

See how location insights can help you increase visibility, efficiency, and sales.

blurred images of people walking

Speeding up economic development

See how you can plan strategically for economically thriving communities with location insights.

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Understand transport and travel patterns

Optimise routes, cut congestion, and bolster economic activity with data-driven travel insights.