In today’s competitive retail landscape, the regeneration of retail centres has become a crucial focus for local governments and councils. This strategic approach not only revitalises local economies but also enhances community well-being. By implementing a series of targeted strategies—ranging from aesthetic improvements to inclusive business offerings—retail centres can transform into vibrant destinations where people want to spend more time. Based on data and insights from our local government and councils, we’ve identified key areas that significantly impact how long visitors stay in retail centres. Let’s explore these strategies in detail.

1. How to Boost the Night-Time Economy

A thriving night-time economy can significantly enhance the cultural and economic vitality of an area. By offering diverse entertainment and dining options, an area can attract a wide range of visitors, from local residents to tourists, fostering a lively and inclusive atmosphere. This section describes strategies that have stimulated the night-time economy and examines how these initiatives have been reflected in Huq data.

Proven strategies

Extended Business Hours

Encouraging businesses to stay open later can provide more options for evening entertainment and
shopping, catering to night-time visitors.

Special Events and Activities

Organising events such as night markets, festivals, and live performances can draw crowds and stimulate spending.

Improved Night Transport Options

Providing reliable and accessible late-night transport options ensures visitors can safely and conveniently travel home, encouraging them to stay out longer.

Diverse Venue Offerings

Promoting a mix of venues, from casual eateries to high-end restaurants and entertainment spots, caters to a wide range of preferences and budgets.

Marketing and Promotions

Leveraging social media and local advertising to promote night-time events and offerings can attract more visitors and create a vibrant atmosphere.

Changes in Data

Increased Night-Time Foofall

Successful night-time initiatives can lead to higher footfall during evening and night hours, as more people are attracted to the area and spend more.

Increased Evening Revenue

With extended hours and diverse entertainment options, businesses can expect increased revenue from evening and late-night customers, as reflected in transaction data.

Expanded Customer Demographics

A thriving night-time economy can draw a diverse range of customers, from young adults to families, contributing to varied spending patterns.

Improved Customer Loyalty

Positive night-time experiences can encourage repeat visitsÏ as tracked by and customer catchment footfall analysis.

Enhanced Reputation

A vibrant night-time economy can enhance the area's reputation as a lively and safe destination, appealing to both locals and tourists.

2. Attracting a Diverse Range of Businesses

Attracting a diverse mix of businesses to a retail centre is essential for creating a vibrant and sustainable economic environment. A variety of businesses can cater to different customer demographics, encourage longer visits, and stimulate spending across different sectors. Here are several strategies a council can employ to attract a diverse mix of businesses to their retail centre:

1. Market Analysis and Planning

Conduct Market Research: Understand the current business landscape, consumer demographics, and spending patterns in the area. Identify gaps in the market and the types of businesses that
could fulfil these unmet needs.

Create a Business Attraction Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan outlining the types of businesses desired, target areas for development, and incentives available. This plan should also consider the desired mix of retail, dining, entertainment, and services.

2. Incentives and Support Programs

Financial Incentives: Offer financial incentives such as tax breaks, grants, or low-interest loans to attract new businesses. These incentives can help offset the initial setup costs for businesses.

Reduced Rent or Lease Subsidies: Work with property owners to offer reduced rents or lease subsidies to attract businesses, especially during the initial months of operation.

Facade Improvement Programs: Provide funding or assistance for businesses to improve their storefronts, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the retail centre.

Facade Improvement Programs: Provide funding or assistance for businesses to improve their storefronts, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the retail centre.

3. Business Support and Development

Business Development Services: Offer workshops, training, and advisory services to help businesses succeed. Topics could include marketing, customer service, financial management, and digital

Networking Opportunities: Facilitate networking events and business forums where potential and existing business owners can share ideas and explore partnership opportunities.

Streamlined Permitting and Licensing: Simplify the process for obtaining necessary permits and licences, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and making it easier for new businesses to start operating.

4. Targeted Recruitment and Marketing

Proactive Outreach: Actively recruit businesses that match the desired profile, using a mix of direct outreach, trade shows, and networking events

Highlight Unique Selling Points: Promote the unique advantages of the retail centre, such as foot traffic data, customer demographics, local economic conditions, and community support.

Collaboration with Real Estate Agents: Partner with local real estate agents to identify and attract businesses that align with the community’s needs and preferences.

5. Community Engagement and Public Relations

Engage the Community: Involve local residents and businesses in planning and decision-making processes. This helps ensure the mix of businesses reflects community desires and can increase local support for new businesses.

Promotional Campaigns: Run promotional campaigns to raise awareness of the retail centre’s offerings and attract visitors. This can include events, social media marketing, and partnerships with local influencers.

Events and Activities: Host events, markets, and festivals to draw visitors to the area and showcase the diversity of businesses. These events can also serve as a platform for businesses to engage with the community.

6. Create a Vibrant and Safe Environment

Enhanced Infrastructure: Invest in infrastructure improvements such as better lighting, signage, and pedestrian-friendly walkways to make the retail centre more accessible and attractive.

Public Amenities: Ensure the availability of public amenities such as seating areas, restrooms, and parking facilities, enhancing the visitor experience and encouraging longer stays.

Increasing footfall on the high street

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3. Improving Shop Fronts and Local Environments

The visual appeal of a retail centre plays a critical role in attracting and retaining visitors. An inviting and aesthetically pleasing environment encourages people to linger, explore, and spend more time and money. Enhancing shop fronts and the surrounding environment is a key strategy in achieving this, as it directly influences the overall ambiance of the area.

Strategies for Enhancing Shop Fronts and Local Environments

Revamping Shop Fronts

Updating the exteriors of shops with fresh paint, modern signage, and clean windows can significantly improve the area’s visual appeal. Unique and creative storefront designs can draw attention and make the shopping experience more enjoyable.

Planting Greenery

Introducing plants and flowers along sidewalks, in planters, and in public spaces can create a more inviting atmosphere. Greenery not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also contributes to a pleasant and calming environment.

Regular Cleaning Services

Maintaining cleanliness is crucial for creating a welcoming environment. Regular cleaning services, including litter removal, graffiti cleaning, and maintaining clean public facilities, can significantly improve the overall perception of the area.

Street Furniture and Amenities

Installing benches, bike racks, and other street furniture can make the area more user-friendly and comfortable for visitors. Amenities such as public restrooms and drinking fountains can also enhance the shopping experience.

Public Art and Murals

Incorporating public art, such as murals and sculptures, can add character and cultural significance to the area. This can attract art enthusiasts and tourists, providing additional foot traffic and media attention.

Seasonal Decorations and Events

Decorating the area for different seasons and holidays can create a festive atmosphere and encourage people to visit more frequently. Events such as street fairs, markets, and performances can also draw crowds and boost local business.

Expected Changes in Data Metrics

Implementing these aesthetic and environmental enhancements can lead to noticeable changes in various data metrics:

Increased Footfall

A more appealing environment is likely to attract more visitors. This increase in foot traffic can be tracked through footfall counts and time-of-day splits.

Extended Dwell Time

As the area becomes more enticing, visitors are likely to spend more time exploring shops and dining. This extended dwell time can lead to increased spending.

Higher Spend Data

By improving aesthetics and amenities, visitors will spend more, both in terms of time and money. This can be reflected in spend data and an increase in transactions.

Enhanced Visitor Experience

Increased footfall counts and dwell time data can provide insight into how these improvements have positively impacted visitor experience.

Increased Business Participation

As foot traffic and spending increase, more businesses may be attracted to the area, leading to higher occupancy rates and a more vibrant retail mix.

Improved Community Engagement

Public art, seasonal decorations and events enhance community engagement & participation which is reflected through time-of-day footfall counts & catchment data.

By focusing on enhancing shop fronts and the local environment, retail centres can create a more attractive and welcoming atmosphere that encourages people to visit, stay longer, and spend more. This holistic approach not only benefits local businesses but also contributes to the overall well-being and vibrancy of the community.

4. Improving Security

Making people feel safe is paramount in keeping them in the area longer, especially at night. When visitors feel secure, they’re more likely to explore different venues, whether it’s shops, restaurants, or entertainment options, boosting the local economy and creating a vibrant nighttime scene. However, if an area is plagued by safety concerns, such as pickpockets or muggings, as has been reported in certain parts of Soho, London for example, it can deter people from venturing beyond their meeting destination. This limits the area’s economic potential, reduces overall foot traffic and in some cases the collapse of an area.

To address these concerns, local councils and retail centre managers can use data analytics tools to monitor and analyse daypart footfall data—tracking the flow of people throughout the day—and Mastercard spend data to understand where and when people are spending money. These metrics provide valuable insights into visitor behaviour, identifying peak times and popular locations that may require enhanced security measures.

Implementing Targeted Security Measures

Increased Lighting

Well-lit areas can deter criminal activities and make people feel safer. Strategic placement of lights in dimly lit areas, particularly in alleys and pathways, can significantly improve safety perceptions.

Visible Police Presence

A visible law enforcement presence, whether through regular patrols or strategically located police stations, can act as a deterrent to criminal behaviour. Community policing initiatives that encourage interaction between officers and the public can also help build trust and foster a sense of safety.

Surveillance Systems

Installing CCTV cameras in strategic locations can help monitor and record activities, providing both a deterrent to potential criminals and evidence for law enforcement if incidents occur.

Public Awareness Campaigns

Informing the public about safety measures, emergency contacts, and the presence of security personnel can reassure visitors and encourage them to stay longer in the area.

Night-Time Economy Support

Promoting a thriving night-time economy involves more than just ensuring safety; it also requires creating a welcoming atmosphere. This includes extending business hours, hosting events, and providing amenities like late-night transport options.

How the Data Changes Over Time

After implementing these security measures, you can expect several positive changes in both daypart footfall data and spend data:

Increased Evening and Night-Time Footfall

A more welcoming environment should lead to an increase in foot traffic during evening and night-time hours, resulting in a resurgence, attracting a wider demographic of people, including families and tourists.

Extended Duration of Visits

As visitors feel safer, they are likely to extend their stays in the area, exploring multiple venues rather than sticking to a single destination. This increased dwell time translates into more opportunities for spending.

Higher Spend Data in Evening Hours

Creating an environment where people want to stay out later will lead to an uptick in spending at restaurants, bars and entertainment venues. Footfall and spend data will highlight the distribution of transactions.

Diverse Spending Patterns

A vibrant night-time economy can attract a more diverse group of visitors with different spending capacities, spreading revenue across low and high cost dining and entertainment entities.

Repeat Visits and Loyalty

Improved safety and a pleasant environment encourage visitors to return, potentially increasing customer loyalty. This can be tracked through catchment area maps and an increase in visitor density and frequency.

Positive Public Perception

A thriving night-time economy can improve public perception of an area, making it a preferred destination for shopping, dining and entertainment. Footfall counts & time-of-day splits will highlight the impact of your initiatives.

By implementing these security measures, councils can transform retail centres into welcoming environments where people feel safe and encouraged to explore, even after dark. This not only increases dwell time but also enhances the overall appeal of the area, making it a destination of choice for both locals and tourists.

5. Creating a High Street for Everyone

Creating a high street that caters to everyone in the community is essential for the success and sustainability of retail centres. This inclusivity ensures that the area attracts a diverse range of visitors, from local residents to tourists, and meets the needs of various demographic groups. A well-rounded retail environment not only fosters economic growth but also builds a strong sense of community.

To achieve this, retail centres should offer a diverse mix of businesses, catering to different customer types, including low, mid, and high spenders. This range can include everything from budget-friendly retail stores and local markets to mid-range restaurants and luxury boutiques. Inclusivity in business offerings and marketing materials helps maintain the area’s appeal to both locals and visitors.

Strategies for Creating an Inclusive High Street

Diverse Business Mix

Ensuring that the high street has a variety of shops, restaurants, and services that cater to different tastes and budgets is crucial. This includes offering affordable dining options, luxury retail, and unique local businesses that reflect the community’s character.

Cultural and Community Representation

Supporting businesses that represent the local culture and community demographics can help maintain the area’s unique identity. This might include ethnic grocery stores, specialty food outlets, and cultural boutiques that offer traditional goods.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community to understand their needs and preferences can help in curating a high street that serves everyone. This can be done through surveys, town hall meetings, and local partnerships.

Inclusive Marketing

Marketing materials should be inclusive and representative of the community’s diversity. This includes using diverse imagery in advertisements and promoting events and activities that cater to various cultural and age groups.

Accessible Design

Ensuring that the high street and its businesses are accessible to all, including those with disabilities, is essential. This includes features like ramps, wide doorways, and accessible restrooms.

Public Spaces and Events

Creating public spaces for community events, farmers’ markets, and cultural festivals can attract a diverse crowd and foster a sense of belonging. These events can be used to celebrate the community’s cultural diversity and attract visitors from outside the area.

Expected Changes in Data Metrics

Implementing these inclusive strategies can lead to significant changes in various data metrics:

Broader Demographic Reach

An inclusive high street can attract a more diverse range of visitors, which will be reflected in the footfall. Diversity helps to foster a vibrant community.

Increased Footfall

A varied mix of tenants combined with targeted marketing strategies can lead to a more widespread increase in footfall. This is especially true during community events and festivals.

Higher Customer Retention

When people feel that their needs are being met, they are more likely to return. This can be tracked through repeat visit data and customer loyalty programs.

Diverse Spending Patterns

Offering a range of price points can cater to different income levels, which should be reflected in spend data. This diversity in spending can stabilise the local economy by attracting a wide customer base.

Positive Community Feedback

Surveys and feedback from the community can provide qualitative data on the success of inclusivity strategies. Positive feedback can also enhance the area’s reputation, attracting more visitors.

Extended Stay Duration

When visitors find a variety of activities and shopping options that appeal to them, they are likely to stay longer. This extended dwell time can be tracked through location footfall data and spending metrics.

By focusing on inclusivity and community representation, retail centres can create a welcoming environment that appeals to a broad audience. This not only enhances the economic viability of the area but also strengthens the social fabric of the community, making the high street a true hub of local life.

Using Data to Track Strategies as Proof of Work or Investment

Utilising data is essential for tracking the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Tools like Huq location signals can provide valuable insights into foot traffic patterns and visitor behaviour. Local council case studies can serve as benchmarks, illustrating successful interventions and guiding future investments.

For example, by analysing Huq location signals, councils can see which areas of a retail centre are most popular and which need improvement. These insights can guide decisions on where to allocate resources for maximum impact.

If you need better visibility into one of our areas, talk to our sales team at Huq. They can provide you with detailed insights and data-driven solutions to enhance your retail centre’s performance and appeal. Contact us today to learn more about how Huq can help you make informed decisions and drive successful outcomes.


Increasing dwell time in retail centres involves a multifaceted approach. By improving shop fronts and the local environment, enhancing security, and creating an inclusive atmosphere, retail centres can become more appealing and encourage visitors to stay longer. Leveraging data to track the success of these strategies ensures that investments are effective and beneficial to the community.

Implementing these strategies based on our local government and council data can transform retail centres into vibrant, bustling hubs of activity. By focusing on these key areas, we can create spaces that people love to visit and spend time in, ultimately boosting the local economy and community well-being.