Revitalising Marble Arch: The Implications of M&S’s Redevelopment for Oxford Street and Beyond

Marks & Spencer has secured approval to redevelop its flagship Marble Arch store on Oxford Street, aiming to rejuvenate the area and…

Revitalising High Streets: How Location & Spend Data Support Economic Development

Read how Huq’s insights allowed Costa Coffee to optimise store strategies, relocating underperforming outlets to prime locations and…

UK Budget Impact on Retail: What Rising Costs Mean for Consumer Footfall in 2025

The recent UK budget raises costs for businesses, potentially pushing up prices for consumers. While the Christmas seasonal spending may…

Harnessing Daypart Footfall Data for Local Economic Insights

Read how Huq’s insights allowed Costa Coffee to optimise store strategies, relocating underperforming outlets to prime locations and…

How Footfall Insights Drive Economic Growth and Revitalise Communities

Read how Huq’s insights allowed Costa Coffee to optimise store strategies, relocating underperforming outlets to prime locations and…

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Case Study

Transforming the QEOP: How London Legacy used Huq's location intelligence data to validate investment into Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and…

5 Proven Regeneration Strategies for Retail Centres

Explore data-driven strategies to encourage visitors to spend more time in your retail centres. From enhancing shop fronts to improving…

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Unlocking Strategic Insights: The Power of Integrating Location Data in Retail

An introduction to location intelligence for the retail sector and how to capitalise on consumer trends to boost store performance.

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AI in Retail: Unlock New Opportunities with Huq and AI Analysis

An introduction to location intelligence for the retail sector and how to capitalise on consumer trends to boost store performance.