How to use new data to create an edge?
What can I do to optimise my portfolio performance?
How can I foresee and mitigate risks?
Greater market understanding
Complete customer profiles, sales data, and property information by layering mobility data with your existing data.
Pinpoint areas to prioritise
Leverage foot traffic, visit frequency, and customer demographics to understand high-traffic areas, popular destinations, and emerging trends.
Comprehensive trend analysis
Understand market trends and dynamics such as shifts in customer behaviour, travel patterns, and demand patterns to align your investment decisions with evolving market conditions.
Minimise investment risks
Leverage historical mobility data to identify areas with consistent foot traffic and stable trends, mitigating the risk of investing in volatile or declining regions.
Optimise your investment portfolio
Track foot traffic, customer engagement, and visit patterns to assess the impact of your investments and decisions and adapt your strategies based on emerging trends.
Huq’s mobility data helps us to make better investment decisions and allows us to appropriately manage risk on behalf of our investor clients
Huq’s mobility data helps us to make better investment decisions and allows us to appropriately manage risk on behalf of our investor clients
Jonathan Bayfield, Head of UK Real Estate Research at Aviva Investors